
But Daddy, He Loves Me

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Erika screams "Please! Daddy, no! Stop! It's not his fault!"
"Like hell it is, get out of my way Erika, I'm gonna kill him!"
"Erika, he got you pregnant, your 14! Your not keeping that baby, and your never going to see him again!"
"You cant stop me, I will see him,  no matter what!"
"Dad, I love Chase, I know im only 14 but I love him, and he loves me!"
"Erika, he doesn't love you! He's using you, he got what he wanted, and now your pregnant, do you really think he was going to stick around?"
"Yes, I did"
"He's 16, he wasn't going to stick around, he doesn't want to be a father, and he doesn't love you, he lied"
"Daddy, no he didn't. He really loves me, I just know it!"
Just then… "I give my heart to you, I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you"- A text from chase.
"Hey, baby. What's up"
He doesn't even know, im pregnant yet..
"Who the hell is it?"
"Damnit, dad, its Chase. He texted me"
"What did you just say to me"
"You heard me!"
"Fuck you dad! I'm going to have this baby, and I'm not going to stop seeing Chase! So fuck you!"
"Don't you ever talk to me like that again Erika"
"If that's the way you want things to be, then fine you can keep the baby and see Chase, but only on one condition."

"Really? I can still see him?"
"Yes, but you have to get your ass outta my house by Friday"
Its Tuesday, right now.
"But dad, were am I supposed to go. You can't kick me out, im only 14 and pregnant, I have no where to go"
"I don't care, you have to be out my Friday"
"Ok, I'm sorry daddy."
"I don't care"
He walks away, Erika just stands there, speechless.
"I give my heart to you, I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you"-Another text from Chase
"Is everything ok? You didn't text me back" "I love you"
So Erika texts back…
"No, nothing is ok. Look Chase we need to talk, and soon"
"Ok, when?" "Tonight"
"Yea, that's fine"
"Ok, ill be at your house in about 15 minutes"

"Ok, Erika, what's going on? You got me worried. What happened?
"Well Chase, I know you will breakup with me after this but.. But I'm pregnant, with your baby.. And my dad told me if I wanted to keep the baby and see you, I have to be out of the house by Friday, and I have no where to go..
He's Speechless, and just stands there, wide-eyed.
"Uh… Um, how long have you known?"
"I found out yesterday" "I  should have told you first"
"If you don't want to have anything to do with this baby, then I understand"
"No, I love you, I want this baby. Just things are happening sooner than planned."
"Planned?" "What did you have planned?"
"Well I was hoping to start a family with you, soon after college, but its happening sooner."
"Aw. You thought about are future?"
"Well, of course I did"
"Now its time to tell my parents… There gonna freak"
So they get in Chase's car, and  drive off…

"Well Erika, we're here, this isn't going to go well"
"Ya, think?"
"No matter what happens, I want you to know I love you, and I will be here for you and the baby, no matter what happens in there, ok?
"I know, and I love you to"
"Well come one, we gotta go in sometime"
"Chase, im kinda scared.."
"Me to baby, me to"

"Uh mom…dad, theres something I have to tell you"
"What is it Chase?"
"Well, you know my girlfriend Erika.. Well I got her pregnant..
-Complete silence-
"You what? Shes pregnant?" "Since when?"
"Well, I found out yesterday sir" "But I already said he doesn't have to be involved, but ive told my dad, and well he kicked me out, I have till Friday"
"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry, but I really love Erika, and I want to be involved, I want to marry her one day.."
"You wanna marry me?"
"Well yea"
"Well me and your mother need to talk about this, so why don't you and Erika go watch tv or something ok?"
"Alright, dad"

Meanwhile: (Parent's conversation)
Mom: Well, if he loves her and wants to marry her, I think we should let them keep it.. She did get kicked out maybe she could live here with us? We have the room..
Dad: That's true, but there so young, I mean shes only 14, they have there whole life ahead of them.

Mom: Oh come on, just let them her stay here with us, and let the keep it. You would be a Grandpa.. You've always wanted to..

Dad: That's also true, but…

Mom: Oh come on..

Dad: Fine, she can live her and they can keep the baby..

"Alright, Chase… Erika, we made up are minds"
"Oh no, that was quick" -He whispers to Erika
"I know"
"We've decided that… Erika can live here with us, and that you two can keep the baby…
Chase & Erika: Oh my god, really?

9 Months later:
Chase: Come on Erika, your almost there!
Erika screams.
A little baby cries…
Chase: It's a girl!

A couple months later…
"Erika, Madelyn is so adorable"
"I know, I never want to leave her.."
"Will you marry me?"

"Well duh! Of course I will Chase!"
"Oh thank god, I wasn't planning on do it this soon, and I don't even have a ring, im sorry.."
"It's ok, that doesn't bother me."
"It's me, you and Madelyn" "That is till we have another baby"
"Planning that already are we?"
"I love you baby… and I love Madelyn"
"I love you to, and I love Madelyn to!"
"Chase, I got something to tell you, and now Is the perfect time"
"Well what is it?"
Erika whispers something in his ear…
Just then, "It's 3 am, she won't put out, lets go make out with her friends, make out with her friends, friends" -It's a text from lexy (Erika bff)

"How could you not tell me you had a baby girl?!?!"
"Uh Lexy, im kinda in the middle of something important here, I'll get back to you in a minute ok?"
"Oh, fine!"

Before Lexy's interruption, Erika told Chase:
"Chase, I'm pregnant again.."
"Uh, Chase.. Earth to Chase?"

Chase is still speechless and wide-eyed.
"Your…. Pregnant… Again?"
"Uh, yea that's what I said, is that bad?"
"No, no, no its not bad, it's just unexpected… very unexpected."
"I know, but it's a good thing right?"

"It's 3 am, she won't put out, lets go make out with her friends, make out with her friends, friends" -Another text from Lexy.

"Now, how could you not tell me you had a baby?!?"
"Uh, hey guess what?"
"What? You had a baby? I know that now"
"Not that, im engaged, and pregnant.. Again!"

Erika's phone dies after that… Coincidence?

The next day.. There's a knock on the door.
"Mom? What are you doing here? What's wrong?"
"Well, its your father, he's in the hospital"
"Oh, well you know what, I don't care. He kicked me out, he didn't want me around anymore."
"But Erika, he's your father, you should care, he could die"
"Mom, just leave, I don't care. It would be different if he didn't kick me out, I said I was sorry and he didn't care, you can leave now."
"Fine then, Goodbye Erika. Tell Chase I said hi."
Erika's mom leaves..
"My mom says hi"
"Uh ok, what did she want anyways?"
"My dad's in the hospital and he could die…"
"What? Well come on lets go down there and see him, before its to late"
"No Chase, I don't want to go, I don't want to see him"
"Come on Erika, he's your father!" "We have to, well at least you do, and shouldn't he meet Madelyn, hes never seen her"
-sigh- "Fine, we can go, but just this one time! No more!"
"Ok, ill go get Madelyn ready"
"Alright, im gonna call my mom, and tell her we are coming"

The phone call..
"Hey mom its me Erika, look im sorry about earlier, but we will come down today"
"Oh good, thank you Erika, he will appreciate it.. See you there"
"Yea, see you there soon, bye"

On the way to the hospital..
"Chase, im nervous. Its been so long, what will he say, what will I say? Should we tell them im pregnant again or that we are engaged?"
"I'm not sure, maybe we should wait before we tell them. At least your dad, but its up to you."
"I think we should wait, at least for the 2nd pregnancy thing, I think we should tell him we're engaged. Maybe he could come."
"Yea, maybe. Well we are here. You ready to go in?"
"I think so…"

There at the hospital, in the waiting room.
"I'm so scared Chase, I mean what if he died, things didn't end well, I don't want things to end between us, I cant take this"
"Just calm down, he's going to be ok, don't worry."
"I don't even know, what's wrong with him, I never found out from my mom"
"Erika, you're here!"
"Mom, whats wrong with him? Is he going to be okay? Please tell me he'll be ok!"
"Well I don't know if he will be ok, but he had a massive heart attack."
"Oh my god, I cant believe this. How?"
Erika says crying.
"It happened at work, suddenly. They think it could have been stress, or maybe the way he eats.. Erika hes been so depressed since you left, he wanted to call you, but he thought you hated him. He's sorry for what he did, he really is"
"I'm sorry for what I did, I shouldn't have said what I said.. Is he awake? I really would like to talk to him, and for him to meet Madelyn."
"Uh yea, you can see him.."
"Ok, im going to go in there alone is that ok?"
"Yes, that's ok. I'll stay out here with Chase and Madelyn, I haven't even met her yet.."

"Hey, dad, its me Erika.."
"Oh hi Erika, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."
"Of course I forgive you, im sorry to. I was being selfish, I shouldn't have said what I said and I should have listened to you. But me and chase we're happy, and so is Madelyn my daughter. We are doing really well and me and Chase are engaged actually, so see you need to get better so you can come to the wedding"
"That's great! I'm happy for you, and I'm proud of you. Your only 16, your doing so well with the baby and all. But I don't think im going to make it to your wedding, I'm not doing so good."
"Don't say that, your going to get better I just know it, you have to! You have to be a part of Madelyn's life, and my next babies life!"
"Next baby?"
"Yea dad, im pregnant again. I know its soon, but it just happened, im sorry."
"It's ok, im happy for you. And I want to be apart of your families life I really do!"
"I'll be right back, im going to go get Madelyn so you can meet her"

A few minutes later..
"Ok, dad im back"
"She's so beautiful, she looks a lot like you Erika, She's growing so fast. Can I hold her?"
"Yea, of course!"
Erika, hands him Madelyn..
"Wow, I remember when you were a baby, you looked almost exactly like her, I hope she grows up to be a wonderful daughter like you." "Do you know the sex of your next baby yet?"
"Uh no not yet, but we should soon, I'm hoping it's a boy."
He hands Madelyn back to Erika.
"I'm going to go give her back to mom and Chase real quick, I'll be right back"

"Ok dad, im back"
"Yea, dad."
"You know I love you right?"
"Yea, I know and I love you to"
"Good, You will always be my little girl, no matter what"
Just then.. Beep..
"Dad?" "Dad?" "No, you cant do this, not now. Dad!"
The nurse: "I'm so sorry…

Erika walks back out to her mom, Chase and Madelyn, with tears in her eyes.
"Dad's…well… he's gone…" "He met Madelyn, now he's gone"
Now everyone's crying,  even Madelyn and she doesn't even know whats going on.
A few days later..
"Come on Chase, we got to get there early. Is Madelyn ready?"
"Yea, were both ready.."
"I can't believe he's gone. At least he got to meet Madelyn. She'll never know her grandpa though…"
It's months later, and its time for Erika and Chase's wedding.
"I'm so glad you here mom"
"I would never miss my daughters wedding"
"I just wish dad were here"
"Me to, but you know, in a way he still is, he will always be in are hearts"
"Well that is true"
"We better hurry up, its almost time"
"Oh your right it is" "I'm so nervous"
The music starts playing.. She heads down the aisle.
But she suddenly stops.
"I think my water just broke"

Chase rushes over..
"We got to get you to the hospital!"
"No! I'm getting married today, and now! Before I have this baby!"
"But your water just broke, you have to go to the hospital"
"I have a little time, now lets get married!"
"Ok..ok we'll get married now"
The reverend continues on with the ceremony, and quickly.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife" "You may now kiss the bride"
Chase, quickly, but softly and passionately kisses Erika.

Erika: "I'm finally married!"
Chase: "I'm gonna be a daddy.. Again!
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Adams, and his parents and her mom, go to the hospital.
Doctor: Come on Erika, you have to push harder.
Erika: "I'm trying!"
Doctor: I see the head, the shoulders! Come on, one more big push!
A baby cries..
Chase: "It's another girl!" "We had another girl!"
Doctor: "Ok, Erika, are you ready?"

Erika: "Ready for what? I just had the baby, what are you talking about?"
Doctor: "You're having twins, you didn't know that?"
Erika: "Do I look like someone in the know?"
Doctor: "Oh, well you are, and you have to push now!"
Chase: "Come one Erika, you heard the doctor, push!
Erika: "I am!"
Chase & The Doctor: Well push harder..
Erika: "I can't do it, I just can't, I can hardly breathe"
Doctor: Yes, you can do it Erika, one more time, and your done!
Erika: "Ok, I'll try."
Erika pushes harder.
A baby cries.
Doctor: It's a boy!
Erika: Aw yay! It's a boy, we finally have a boy! Wasn't expecting twins, but we got a beautiful baby boy and girl. But what are we gonna name them?
Chase: I think we should name the girl… Mackenzie
Erika: We should name the boy Jason…
Erika: Can you believe it. We are married and have 3 kids already.
Chase: I know, its just so unreal.

A few years pass. Its Madelyn's first day of kindergarten.
Erika: Madelyn, your growing up so fast. Its your first day of school.
Madelyn: Mommy, I don't want to go
Erika: Well I don't want you to go either, but you have to.
Madelyn: -sigh-
Chase takes Madelyn to school, before work. He walks her to the school, and holds her hand.
Madelyn: Daddy, your gonna embarrass me.
Chase: Now how am I gonna do that
Madelyn: By holding my hand, duh!
Chase: Well im going to hold your hand if I want to
Madelyn: But daddy

New chapter ideas:
Madelyn grown up
Jason and makenzie grown up
The death of erika and chase/car wreck
The effects on there kids

The wreck..
Erika: Hey baby, hurry up. We don't want to miss Mackenzie and Jason's graduation! It sucks Madelyn cant make it though..
Chase: I know, but I'm hurrying! I want to look nice.

They head off towards the school for there twins graduation.. Not knowing what fate would have in store for the today..

Erika: I can't believe are twins are all grown up!
Chase: It seems like just yesterday they were in diapers.
Erika: Yea.. Hey Chase. Can I ask you something?
Chase: Sure baby, go ahead..
Erika: Ok, well… Chase! Look out!

There was a car, that veered into there lane.. Neither one got out of the way fast enough, they hit head on… Erika and Chase's car flipped several times after that…
Erika: Chase, I love you!
Chase: I love you to Erika!

Within minutes, the ambulance was there.. Chase and Erika, were pronounced dead at the scene… There last words were I love you.. They were only in there mid thirty's…

At the school..
Jason: Man, mom and dad are gonna be late.. I hope they don't miss us graduate.
Mackenzie: Me either..

The ceremony already started….
Right when Mackenzie was on stage, almost with her diploma in hand.. Her phone goes off…

Mackenzie: I'm sorry.. But my parents aren't even here, so I'm gonna take this..
Mackenzie's eyes get huge, and she drops her phone to the ground.
Jason: Kenzie, you alright?
Mackenzie: No.. mom and dad, there dead, there were in an accident, on the way here.. There dead Jason there dead…

They both broke down in tears..
They were handed there diploma, they drove to hosptial, just to see there lifeless bodies..
Jason: I cant believe there gone..
Kenzie: How are we going to tell Madelyn, or grandma?

Jason calls Madelyn: There conversation.
Hey bro, you graduated yet? Sucks I cant make it. Tell Kenzie I said hi!
Jason? Hello?
Uh Madelyn, are you sitting?
Uh no, why?
Well sit!
It's mom and dad…
What about them?
There dead…
I know this story isn't very good, I need to write more, rewrite and work on my grammer, im just looking for opinions. I am gonna rewrite this tho(:
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